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Master Learning Group

forecastingForecasting the Future:



An Interactive Seminar on Predicting Pallet Industry Trends

with Guy Gruenberg

Guy Gruenberg

Join us on August 9th, 2024, for an engaging online Master Learning Group session where we'll dive into the art and science of forecasting within the pallet industry.

In a world where forecasting spans everything from sports to weather, its importance in the pallet industry cannot be overstated. Studies show that groups armed with basic information can often make even better predictions than the top experts.

In this MLG, we'll leverage the collective wisdom of our participants to explore the history and future of the lumber and pallet industry. We'll examine current trends, review end-user industries, and make predictions for the rest of 2024.

Industry experts provide valuable insights, but the diversity of ideas in a group can offer even richer analysis. This session encourages collaboration and critical thinking and provides you with a better understanding of forecasting.

Whether you're an industry veteran or new to the field, this WPA Master Learning Group will be an enriching experience. Share your unique perspectives and help us chart the future of our industry together.

2024 Master Learning Groups

Coming up:

September 19th - Marketing & Advertising - LinkedIn
October - *Webinar month - Tax Planning & Prep (Al Smith)
November 21st - President's Club - Navigating the Minefield
December 12th - *Pending/Grant Funding & Certification for Your Business

Women in the Industry MLG's
September 18th
December 18th


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